An Igloo built from 322 Fridges

Gänsemarkt in Hamburg, Germany, an igloo which was built from 322 fridges. It is titled “Wastefulness is the biggest source of Energy”. You can see it until 9th of November. The igloo is an art project by Berlin-based artist Ralf Schmerberg and is supported by an energy provider. On the inside there is some funny art with many old blinking electronical devices arranged in a very colorful setting. At the outside they had a huge electricity meter which showed how much energy would be consumed by all those very old fridges. It said that with a more efficient use of energy, Germany could save around 40%. All in all I found that a very unique way to raise one’s voice against the waste of energy.

In the last picture you can see a list of all the materials they needed and some important facts about it. Some points translate as follows: 15.684 Vector Lines, 13 bars of concept chocolat, 10.5 tons of weight, 322 Refrigerators, 30.780 watts of energy, 1.718 meters of wire, 35 pairs of gloves, 487 sandwiches by mommy, 49.000 calories, 120 leisure-time beers. It is 5.6 meters high on the outside, 4.82 meters on the inside, has an outer diameter of 11 meters and an inner diameter of 9.8 meters.

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